Who we are

We are a diverse group of women in the Puget Sound Region that have come together to support our community through trust-based philanthropy.

What we do

We work together to bring unrestricted grants to small, community-based nonprofits. We learn. We connect. We make an Impact.

Our Impact

Together, we have granted over $700,000 to local nonprofit organizations, and supported them beyond the check by building long term relationships.

Why Join

With each member comes a new connection, a different point of view, a stronger voice, and a greater IMPACT. Join the movement, and help us re-define Philanthropy!

The Impact 100 model is simple.

This is how it works:

100 Women $100,000

At least 100 women donate $1,000 each. That’s $100,000+ dollars!

Nonprofit Community

Community-based nonprofits apply for a $100,000 unrestricted grant.

Review and Select

The Grant Review Team reviews applications and selects finalists.

Annual Meeting

All members gather to learn about the finalists.

1 woman, 1 vote

Membership votes to determine how funds will be allocated.


We partner with nonprofits to provide support beyond the check.

Our Grantmaking Principles

Trust-Based Philanthropy

We work to move power toward those closest to community needs while reducing their burden.

Support Transformative Change

We support community-based organizations that address root causes of social issues and disparities affecting people in the Puget Sound Region.

Embrace Risk

We reward and encourage new ways of thinking and acting to increase resilience and impact.

Listen, Learn, Evolve

We are on a learning journey with each other and our partners.